Senior citizens A social responsibility of the State

Vikram Gour
With people working and living longer, it is increasingly important that we recognize the importance of supporting Senior and Old Age Persons within our Society. Senior Citizen’s Day is an opportunity to acknowledge long term contribution and dedication of the older people both to the family and the nation and ensure that we are doing our best to give something back to the older people.
On 1st of Oct. World Senior Citizen’s Day let us remind the government headed by our young Chief Minister that ‘a community is known by ‘the way it treats its vulnerable sections of the society’ such as the ‘Elders’. Traditionally, in India, it has been a part of our culture for society and family to take care of older persons. Senior Citizens (SC) are held in high esteem and are given priority and respect in all matters. But the scenario is steadily changing. The prevailing socio-economic conditions are adversely affecting the status of Elders in the family.
A demographic revolution is under way throughout the world. Today worldwide there are over 600-million aged persons above 60-years. This figure is going to double by 2025 and will be touching 2-billion; vast majority of them is in developing countries.
Today, rapid urbanization and compulsions of modern working conditions have lead to a breakdown of traditional joint family system resulting in the growth of nuclear families. Better medical facilities have lead to increase in longevity. Like over all population of the country, the population of the Senior Citizens (SC) is also growing at a fast rate. As on today, we the senior citizens constitute little over 9% of the total population i.e. over 10-crores. In percentage terms our population is projected to rise to about 12.4% by 2026.
What exactly is the situation in our state of J&K we do not know for sure? Majority of the elders are in the rural areas where the government agencies under the Social Welfare Deptt have made no effort to improve their lot although, there are several schemes available for taking care of medical and socio-economic condition of the Elders under various schemes both with the GOI and the state Social Welfare deptt. Funds made available to Social welfare Department for welfare of SC are being misused and/or lapsed.
The apathy of the state government towards SC can be well imagined from the fact that the Government of India adopted National Policy on Older Persons (NPOP) in 1999 and directed all state governments to adopt NPOP for welfare of older persons but our state government till date has not gone for it although almost all other states of the country adopted NPOP. Similarly J&K has not adopted ‘Maintenance of Parents/Elders Act 2007 that has already been adopted by 24-states of the country.
Problems being faced by the SC in the society and possible remedies that would help improve the plight of the hapless Elders in J&K, especially in the rural areas, was submitted to the Government during the Govenor’s rule in 2008. The problems covered:-
State policy on older persons and maintenance of parents/elders act 2007
On the basis of the National Policy on Older Persons (NPOP) adopted in Jan. 1999 there is an urgent need to formulate state policy on Older Persons as well as adoption of maintenance of Parents/Elders Act 2007(GOI) by the J&K state. It may be of interest to know that both NPOP as well as Parents/Elders Maintenance Act 2007 of GOI has already been adopted by 24- states in the country and the Tribunals for settling cases under the Act have already been constituted.
Our neighboring state H.P. has already circulated detailed ‘Draft Policy for Senior Citizens’ for public comments after carrying out district-wise survey about the elders above 60-years of age.
Health care
Separate Units covering all facilities be established for Senior Citizens in all government hospitals. 10% beds be earmarked for senior citizens. Health Insurance for SC with affordable premium. For SC below poverty line premium should be paid by the government. Facility of trained nurses for needy ailing SC at their residences may be introduced on the patron being followed by Rajasthan Government. For Retired govt. servants   medi-claim facility be revived.
Provision of shelters/day care centres
There is a great need to provide adequate institutional care (day care and residential) for SC.  Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment GOI has number of schemes for financing NGOs for establishment of such care homes which need to be exploited by the state government.
Making public services user friendly
The existing services by the Government need to be made accessible, client oriented and user-friendly for older persons particularly in the field of shelter, health and transport.
Utilisaing skills and experience of the SC
A mechanism needs to be devised to take benefit of the skills and experience of SC in all fields.
Encouraging NGOs
The NGOs working for the welfare of SC be encouraged through financial and non-financial measures. State should make arrangements for providing working accommodation for offices etc.
There were a couple of more demands including security & safety of the SC. All the above stated points were to be discussed in detail in the meeting of the Advisory Council.  As NGOs, we ensured the Govt. that we shall provide full cooperation in implementing such schemes.
Acting on one of the submissions made in the memorandum  Governor of the State  constituted a State Level Advisory Council for Welfare of Senior Citizens under his Chairmanship and expressed his desire to hold first meeting immediately as early as 2008. Inspite of our repeated requests to the Governor, Chief Minister, Minister for Social Welfare and the secy/comr Social Welfare no meeting was held for the last 6-years. A representation in person was also made to  N.N. Vohra, the Governor regarding holding of a meeting of the said Advisory Council. Even the Governor could not prevail upon the concerned Minister to hold a meeting of the Advisor Council. While all others states of country have adopted NPOP and Parents/Elders Maintenance Act 2007 and established Tribunals under the Act J&K is still to adopt State Policy on Older Persons. This only shows the callousness of the State Government towards the Senior Citizens of the state. What to talk of solving problems being faced by SC the Government is not even ready to discuss these internationally recognized problems of the Elders.
The author is patron Assn for Welfare of Senior Citizens J&K (Regd)