Senior BJP leaders Dr Darakshan Andrabi, Ashok Koul and others releasing baloons & pigeons to mark Indo-Pak peace & friendship day at Suchetgarh border in Jammu on Sunday. — Excelsior/Rakesh

Senior BJP leaders Dr Darakshan Andrabi, Ashok Koul and others releasing baloons & pigeons to mark Indo-Pak peace & friendship day at Suchetgarh border in Jammu on Sunday. — Excelsior/Rakesh
Senior BJP leaders Dr Darakshan Andrabi, Ashok Koul and others releasing baloons & pigeons to mark Indo-Pak peace & friendship day at Suchetgarh border in Jammu on Sunday. — Excelsior/Rakesh

Senior BJP leaders Dr Darakshan Andrabi, Ashok Koul and others releasing baloons & pigeons to mark Indo-Pak peace & friendship day at Suchetgarh border in Jammu on Sunday.
— Excelsior/Rakesh