Screening of non-communicable diseases


I t is heartening to note that UT of Jammu and Kashmir has been adjudged as the second best in screening non- communicable diseases (NCDs) throughout the country . It is indicative of the commitment to the cause by our medical personnel who have shown their mettle and undaunted devotion to duty during the two waves of the COVID pandemic. The latest achievement in detecting NCDs has , therefore, earned the UT a reward which was presented to the NHM Director and his team by the Union Minister of State for Health & Family Welfare on Universal Health Coverage day the theme of which for the year was ”Leave no one’s health behind- invest in health systems for all”. The data made available in respect of the persons screened for various ailment being quite encouraging generates the hope that not only in screening and detecting such diseases but also in ensuring a better treatment was made available at hospitals including at Health Centres in our semi urban and rural areas. Bulk of the non communicable diseases are heart related , Hypertension, Diabetes, all types of cancers, strokes, chronic kidney ailments and osteoporosis and other types of arthritis . Cataracts especially in senior citizens and other eye related diseases covered under the NCDs must equally be not only properly screened but treated as well which will make the scheme of UHC attain its defined objectives in real manner. The challenges in the Health Sector, undoubtedly, are big, varied and enormous but not difficult to be adequately met with, as our resilience and capabilities have demonstrated from time to time.