This has reference to the article ‘Science Conference in the State’ DE Aug 29.
It is quite pleasing to read that the Universities of Jammu and Kashmir are holding conferences of international scientists in the State. Holding such conferences is a honour and a privilege for the host State. Therefore, every effort must be made to make these conferences a success.
It is a rare opportunity which should be made a memorable one. The conference in which many eminent scientists are participating will help local students to have an interaction with the guests and expose them to new ideas and new changes taking place across the globle. It will also help in developing scientific temper among the student community.
Besides, the suggestions made by the author of the article should be considered by the Governments both at State and Central level. At pressent our universities do not have the required infrastructure where research work could be carried. The two universities have a long way to go before they can come at par with reputed international universities.
Yours etc….
Madan Mohan Sharma