This has reference to World No Tobacco Day which was observed through out the world a couple of days back.
Health authorities throughout the world strain every nerve to teach people the harmful effects of smoking. Smoking is said to be the cause of a number of diseases including dreadful disease-cancer which is assuming horrendous proportions with every passing day. To keep people away from smoking. The Jammu & Kashmir Government some time back imposed ban on smoking at public places. But this ban is being flouted with impunity. It seems as if there is no ban.
Besides, there is ban on tobacco products like Gutka etc. But they continue to be sold in black market. Earlier, the users used to buy it at market rates, now they buy it at a higher cost. The only benefiary being the shopkeepers and black-marketers.
It is right time the Government launches an awareness campaign through the State to sensitize people about this social evil.
Yours etc….
Ranbir Rasgotra
Shalamar, Jammu