SAVE hosts workshop on ‘First Aid for Neighborhood Animals’

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 9: Save Animals Value Environment (SAVE) hosted a workshop on “First Aid for Neighborhood Animals”.
The workshop was inaugurated by Principal GGM Science College Dr Satinder Singh. The aim of the workshop was to explore the basic tenets of first aid, which if regularly practiced, can drastically improve the quality of life of many animals on the street.
The workshop included a session on the need for undertaking organized first aid for animals, alongside basic techniques to cater to any animal that may be suffering from a small wound, a skin disease, or a maggot infestation. First aid kits were also distributed who agreed to run first aid in the city by conducting weekly rounds in their localities and building awareness among the community and the locals.
Dr Himanshu, a veterinarian from Brooke Hospital discussed various ways to approach and handle dogs and other animals. The participants were given information to efficiently handle animal related emergencies. He shared relevant tips on examining neighborhood dogs apart from other useful first aid tips. He used slides to show basics of animal first aid and how to understand the nature of an animal from its body language. The session also included a talk on the legal awareness to better channelize animal welfare in the State.
Advocate High Court Sheikh Shakeel Ahmed and Advocate High Court Zulker Nain Sheikh shared the legal information with the participants.
The workshop saw enthusiastic participation from students and animal lovers, who were keen to pick up the nuances of this new work.
Rumpy, who also took a captivating session at the workshop, tried to make students aware about the feared Rabies virus.
Volunteers and members of SAVE including Namrata Hakhoo from Hakhoo Street Animals Foundation, Dr Alpana Vohra, Assistant Professor Department of Zoology, Gurvinder Kaur, Hemlata Karki, Meenu and Akhil sharma and Himanshu Sharma were also present during the workshop.


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