Agreed, a Government employee or for that purpose, employee of any institution , public or private , cannot dictate terms to its employer due to the fragility of employer-employee relationship even in general cases of some problems ,yet it becomes bounden duty of the employer to protect the interest of its employee. Bread and butter as also a sense of social security and living a respectable life are the prime considerations for a person to seek an employment. The employee sells its labour to the employer who “is in need thereof” primarily for consideration that of earning a fixed amount per month for its sustenance . How would it look and mean to an employee when one is paid not in time, not regularly and only after virtually beseeching the employer, herein the Government authorities, for ”releasing ” the salary. The case of Female Multipurpose Health workers who are nearly 1300 in number in Jammu engaged under a Central Government sponsored scheme have not been paid their salaries for the last four to five months. The reasons may be any, that is none of the concern of the affected employees who must get their salaries in time which is their right.
It has been otherwise seen that the pattern and the manner of the payment of salaries to them has not remained in a consistent , regular and assured manner. Red- tape, procedural inter-woven intricacies, ”clearing” files, not making decisions. Unmindful attitude towards delays and waits and the like are all antidotes to smooth working, satisfactory performance, job satisfaction of employees, enthusiasm and the will to put in the best, quick and on expected lines delivery of particular service of the Department etc which must have no place or space to continue in an era of fast digital technology. We need not principally go on furnishing details of how these female health workers have been performing their duties sincerely and dedicatedly and on the ground front even during the waves of the dreaded pandemic , how they play their superb role in providing primary promotive and curative healthcare in respect of various health related schemes right from their workplaces of sub-centres and how they reach out in areas of catchment of villages so on and so forth to justify or fill the minds of the concerned authorities with ”kind considerations” so as to settle their salary issues but demand it as their genuine right as employees. Yes, should anyone of them be found faltering in one’s duties and not doing it sincerely, shirking roles and responsibilities, the same should as it deserves be dealt with under the relevant service rules but how they are concerned with the intricacies of “2211 head” as against ”2210 head” is of no import. That is precisely the baby of the administrative machinery who by sheer recklessness are spreading discontentment among the aggrieved employees as also undermining the particular healthcare scheme how much it may be laced with general community benefit especially for our rural areas.
Last month , these workers reportedly got their salary of November 2021 and the net proceeds quite meagre as all taxes etc were deducted for subsequent months from the November salary . What type of procedure is it and why should the employees suffer in the present tough times is the moot question. The UT Government is rarely seen impressing upon the need to increase productivity and the output by an employee on a continuous basis , however, denying timely salary goes to impact adversely the productivity of employees which in cumulative way was bound to have a cause and effect vicious circle spreading disharmony and sense of insecurity among the employees. A payday, its manner and absolute punctuality , is directly related to the overall success and capabilities of the employer in pushing ahead the purpose of a particular scheme ( like health scheme in the instant case) or a programme , a project and a mission for the general benefit of the public and for smooth implementation for which the employees are engaged.
However, we expect that the concerned authorities took due notice of the hardships faced by the concerned employees so that payment of their salaries on time in future was assured and in the meantime , the arrears on account of unpaid salaries for the number of months owed by the Government to them was released as early as possible. Formation of DPCs etc and other issues connected too need to be resolved. A satisfied employee is a guarantee of good performance, other things remaining the same, needs to be lent credence.