SRINAGAR: An amount of Rs 2.33 crore has been collected as fine from offenders for wrong parking during the last three years in the twin capital cities of Jammu-Srinagar and other towns of the State.
However, more than half of the amount was paid for cranes hired for lifting of wrongly parked vehicles, Minister for Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Abdul Haq informed the House, while replying to a question of Rani Gargi Blowria that revenue of Rs 2.33 crore was generated from compounding of challans for wrong parking during the last three years.
Mr Haq, on behalf of Home Minister Mehbooba Mufti, informed that presently, eight cranes hired by the Traffic Police Department have been deployed in the twin capital cities of Jammu and Srinagar and some other towns for lifting of wrongly parked vehicles.
The Law and Justice Minister said that cranes have been hired after proper tendering for a period of 11 months, with a provision of further extension on mutual agreement basis. An amount of Rs 1.45 crore was paid to the owners of the cranes since 2011, the Minister added. (AGENCIES)