Deterioration has set in solidly in the once prestigious Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), the reputed provider in the State. Be it the mobile telephone signaling or the internet, the two most important communication devices in contemporary times. Services provided are hopeless and menacing. Thousands of complaints against defective services are registered day in and day out at the counter of BSNL. As it is not a State organization, the State is not in a position to take any action on its inefficiency and defective service. That, however, does not mean that the State will leave subscribers in a lurch. Inefficiency and irresponsibility have crept deep into the State BSNL and more than that, the attitude of its functionaries is discourteous. The public is not going to take it anymore. There is every possibility that a PIL will be filed before the court of law exhorting the BSNL authorities to provide state of art service to the subscribers. It has to be noted that BSNL has the largest number of subscribers in the State and its revenue runs into lakhs of crores. Despite that, it is compromising on service which is unjustifiable. People using internet are fed up with slow, inconsistent and defective service. We would advise the authorities to wake up to the public resentment before it takes ugly shape.