Call it bureaucratic incompetence or slackness , the much hyped Rs. 406 crore worth Detailed Project Report (DPR) in connection with River Tawi flood protection works stands dropped and hence rescinded if the revelations of the Deputy Director, Central Water Commission Jammu is to be believed. There being otherwise no doubt in it as the same has been submitted to the High Court while filing a status report on the subject matter. This is despite the fact that many a time, floods in the river have inundated vast areas situated along the banks of the river and caused extensive damages to properties and people having suffered a great deal.
Is it because of certain technical deficiencies found in the DPR that the entire proposal got rejected or certain clarifications sought were not replied within a reasonable time must be now addressed and removed keeping in view that there was no existing arrangement for flood protection and the same being of unpredictable nature could not be taken lightly . Lieutenant Governor must take personal interest in the matter keeping in view the vulnerability of more than 40 villages immediately and other vast areas likely to be affected in no less measure.