River Jehlum embankments

The pride of Kashmir valley, the Veth or the Jehlum river flowing gracefully through the valley is threatened in various ways. Apart from the general pollution and dumping of waste and effluents into it, sand mining and movement of heavy machinery used for extraction and transportation of sand is threatening its embankments.
Once the serene river and its historic and graceful banks are now rattled with the tippers and other vehicles waiting for turn to load the sand. This is a common sight at several places, in particular at Kakapora, Pampore, Sempora, Athwajan and Pandrethan. Not only this much, but several embankments have been cut through to make temporary roads for transporting the mined sand. Like this, the banks are damaged and the region is becoming prone to inundation.
The question is as to why the authorities are conspicuous by their inaction in the matter even after the immediately affected locals complaining against the malady on several occasions. Ravaged embankments make a mockery of the claims of (de)silting, cleansing and beautifying the banks of this river having historical and spiritual importance in the valley. The authorities are urged to take remedial steps before it is too late.