Rise high , be human

Dr. Bhavneet Kaur
Natural disasters, conflicts and other emergencies threaten the lives and health of millions of people every year. In the middle of such crises, thousands of dedicated humanitarian workers strive to care for those who have been affected and support local authorities to deliver assistance. August 19th is marked as the  World Humanitarian Day, a global day to celebrate humanity and the spirit of people helping people.
The day honors all humanitarians globally who have worked in the promotion of the humanitarian cause, and those who have lost their lives in the cause of duty.  This day commemorates the largest single attack on aid workers, when the then Special Representative of the Secretary-General to Iraq, Sergio Vieira de Mello and 21 of his colleagues were killed in the bombing of the UN Headquarters in Baghdad on 19 August 2003. On this day, the international community pays tribute to all of the humanitarian workers who have lost their lives doing their job, and reiterates the message that humanitarians should be given safe and secure access to the victims of human-made and natural disasters without exception.
Every day humanitarian aid workers help millions of people around the world, regardless of who they are and where they are. Humanitarian aid is provided for humanitarian purposes, typically in response to humanitarian crises including natural disaster and man-made disaster. Humanitarians provide life-saving assistance to millions of people worldwide. They place their own lives at risk to help others in conflict zones and areas of natural hazards. The primary objective of humanitarian aid is to save lives, alleviate suffering, and maintain human dignity.
Humanitarians provide support for different world challenges such as hunger, gender-based violence, refugees and displaced people, help for children, as well as clean water and access to sanitation. More than 700 humanitarian workers have died or experienced the most dangerous situations while trying to help those in need. World Humanitarian day is marked as an effort to raise public awareness of humanitarian assistance worldwide and the people who risk their lives in order to provide it.
The total number of people affected by natural disasters has risen over the past decade, and about 211 million people are directly affected each year. There are new and difficult challenges that arise each year that will require more flexible funding and adaptable humanitarian work. The increasing economic crisis and global challenges such as poverty, global health problems, increase in  prices and the rising number of people on the move, increases the need for humanitarians each year.
On this World humanitarian Day the most pressing need is to realize that noble work should not be just limited to be done after being hit by any man made or natural disaster. In the face of great catastrophe men will show their true characters and these events have shown that we are not necessarily evil people; we only need to understand the gravity of our existence and the futility of hatred, murder and jealousy. It’s time to liberate ourselves from our false egos and it’s high time to rise together not just as a single nation but as a single global world because humanity sees no borders.
Every day we see and hear images and stories of pain and suffering in our own neighborhoods and in countries far away. But we also find acts of kindness, great and small. World Humanitarian Day is a global celebration of people helping people. Everyone can be a humanitarian. All it takes is one act to help someone else. That’s the spirit of people helping people. Understand the real meaning of life. Ironically, our inner conscious awakens only at the time of natural disasters. It is only at the time when the world heads towards an end that the division in the name of religion, caste, colour, creed, and region does not seem important. Deep down we all know that humanity is above all regions, religions and communities. But still to listen to our inner voice we wait for disasters to happen. Rescue efforts howsoever complicated, they then suddenly become essential for all.
Why don’t we begin our lives with the thought of always helping others rather than understanding the real meaning of human life near the end? Respect human lives and be known for your concern for human values. Remember on this Earth only one thing can prevail for the benefit of all and that is humanity as humanity doesn’t care for borders.
World Humanitarian Day is a global observance and does not have a logo because the day does not “belong” to the UN or any other agency or organization.It is a global celebration to honour efforts of people who value humanity. The campaign is about making your mark by doing something good, somewhere, for someone else.
This year’s World Humanitarian Day presents an historic opportunity to bring together people from around the world to advance a powerful and proactive idea: People Helping People, as a day in which every person should do one thing for another, no matter how small.  That is the best way to honour the many fallen aid workers we mourn today, and to celebrate the efforts of others who carry on their noble mission by rushing assistance to those who are suffering.