Excelsior Correspondent
LEH, May 27: The found-ation stone of Himalayan Institute of Alternatives Ladakh (HIAL), an alternative University for Mountain Development was laid today in an impressive function held at village Phayng, here.
This is the ambitious project of Sonam Wangchuk who started this project with his Rolex Award prize money of one crore as seed money.
The University proposed to be build on 1000 kanals of land will have building on 30 percent of the land and rest of 70 percent will have green orchard of different trees. The United Nation Mountain Partnership Ambass-ador, Drikung Syabgon Chetsang Rinpoche laid the foundation stone in presence of Executive Councillor for Health Gyal P. Wangyal and Congress Legislative Council Chairman MLA Nawang Rigzin Jora.
On the occasion, Apple Orchard Plantation Drive “Root 2 Fruit” concept by Khurram from Kashmir was also inaugurated.
Terming this as special occasion the University patron Mr Rinpoche said that he liked the concept of this unique University started by Sonam Wangchuk who after realizing the challenge of Ladakhi youths going out of Ladakh for higher education started this university to address the issues of Mountain people.
Mentioning about Phyang monastery support to the University, Rinpoche said that monastery had spared nearly 530 kanals of land for the University and he expressed his hope that this University will be a role model in the world where experts from different fields will bring new ideas and innovations.
Appreciating Sonam Wang-chuk dream project, Executive Councilor for health Gyal P. Wangyal said that this University will not only attract students from all over the world but it will be a hub of learning centre benefiting entire Ladakhis.
Jora on the occasion said that this University will be hub of research, critical thinking, innovation and out of box solution for the Mountain peoples’ problems.
Earlier, presenting the welcome speech Sonam Wangchuk said this University will be of makers and doers where thinkers will apply their knowledge practically on field rather than restricting to bookish knowledge.