Revamping the Congress party

I was happy to read the letter by Mr.MYG Narang on my article published on 1st February, 2015. The letter is extremely well written and I congratulate the writer for his clarity of thought and command over the language. He perhaps did not read my article very carefully. I had indeed given quite a few suggestions for revamping the Congress party , without mincing words, rather in a blunt way. I had clearly advised the Congress party to shed its anti Hindu policies and policies of minority appeasement. I had clearly advised the party to get rid of the Gandhi dynasty and help the Government to frame an anti conversion law. How did Mr. Narang find my words intolerant and anti minority? Didn’t I suggest to the Prime Minister that he should grant a high degree of autonomy to the Kashmiri Muslims? Which Hindu communalist will ever do that? Didn’t I suggest that BJP should not bother too much about article 370? Do Hindu fanatics ever do that? I have thousands of Muslim friends and well wishers. Rather, my Hindu friends often call me pro- Muslim.
Yours etc…
Amit Kushari