Relief for acid attack victims

The decision of the Supreme Court to make acid attack a non-bailable offence will go a long way in curbing the menace in the country. Many women have suffered terribly because of attack on them by anti-social elements or jilted lovers. The victims have suffered financially, socially and physically. The attack has left them traumatised for ever, their life gone  haywire and dreams shattered while the attackers are living a normal life even while undergoing trial.
The measures as outlined by the Supreme Court for rehabilitation of acid victims will help them seek justice from the authorities besides overcoming financial hurdles. These measures will, it is hoped, would make Government sensitive to the needs of the victim, and stop miscreants from indulging in this heinous crime. The society too should be sensitive to the needs of the victims and help them in living a dignified life.
Yours etc….
Ankush Verma
Sainik Colony, Jammu