The Central Govt has released and paid six percent DA (dearness allowance) in favour of Central Govt employees and pensioners and family pensioners due from January 1, 2015.
But, the J&K State Govt has not released it till date in favour of the State Govt employees, pensioners and family pensioners despite many requests made by various State Govt Employee Associations and Pensioner Association as well to J&K State Govt from time to time through print/electronic media and also meeting the J&K Finance Minister personally couple of times. Since, the prices of the essential commodities are rising, therefore the Govt of J&K, J&K Finance Minister must come to the rescue of the Govt employees pensioners and family pensioners by way of issuing immediate formal orders for release of 6 per cent DA due from January 1, this year in cash instead of creaditing it to GP Fund of employees.
In addition to the above, the Medical Allowance (MA) may also be enhanced from the present Rs 300/- to Rs 1500/- for Govt employees and Rs 2000/- for pensioners and family pensioners.
Yours etc…
Ashok K Koul (Lalpuri)
Ajeet Colony Extn
Gole Gujral, Jammu-2