Income Tax Commissioner J&K Circle has reason to feel elated on the performance of his staff. Rs. 1350 crore have been collected during the financial year 2012-13 as against Rs. 602 crore realized last year. This is almost double the target of Rs. 696.43 fixed for the financial year just gone by. But according to the IT Commissioner, his department expects that the total realizations on account of Income Tax and Advance Tax and TDS for the out-gone financial year will increase because 4500 individuals are still under scrutiny of the department and are to be accounted for calculation of income tax.
This is a healthy sign and the departmental authorities deserve kudos. After all the taxes realized are pooled in the central fund and then financial grants and aid are provided by the Union Government to the States from the pooled amount. If there is a sense of responsibility among the citizens of the State that paying income tax is a national and moral duty, it is a sign of maturing of the society.