Re-employed Versus Unemployed

Rayaz Malik
It is a goodwill gesture and initiative taken by the Government to ban re-employment of officials after retirement. Prior to this, Government had issued same order but could not be implemented in principle. Basically it is not bad to ban  re-employment of officials who have had served various Departments for about 30-40 years but it has created a mess with regard to unemployment of youth who are highly qualified and are distinguished scholars. In case of Jammu and Kashmir State, there are about 6 lakh unemployed youth who are running from pillar to post for earning their daily livelihood and feed their families dependent on them.
The re-employment has become a hurdle in the way of unemployed youth as they have occupied good positions for several years. Presently, they are getting good salaries and honorarium from the Departments they are serving for.  No doubt these re-employed officials are doing marvellous job for various organizations/departments but if the opportunity is given to youth they can attain the capability and perform the assignments with perfection. With the passage of time they will learn and get experience to run a department/organization.
In the meantime, retired officials who are re-employed can be respectfully disengaged and youth welcomed for owning the responsibility on their shoulders. The retirees having served for many years can enjoy themselves with their families and give time to their spouses, children, grandchildren, relatives, friends and social circles. They can contribute a lot in reformation of their society, educational institutions, eradication of evils from the society, run NGOs for welfare of people and help them with their experience and age.
Since Government has fixed age of 60 years for retirement there would be sound reasons behind this that the people beyond this age become lethargic and weak and suffer from various diseases. So they are not physically and mentally ready to carry on their duties further. They have frequently to visit the doctors and get the checkup of their health and so are the chances of suffering of organizations they are working for. Instead youth can take this responsibility with willpower and give their best.
One more condition suitable for these retirees can be voluntary service to be provided by them. They can contribute for nation by guiding and training the youth with their experience gained throughout their service period. They can mould the youth to enhance their expertise to utilize for welfare of people. This is the way the retirees can have leisure and enjoy themselves. They can show interest in gardening, plantation and many more and leave the organizations gracefully to give opportunities to youth and unemployed among whom there could be their children too.
Professional retirees like doctors and medical experts can open their clinics and health institutions for voluntary service towards healthcare of public. Engineers and architects can help in building the infrastructure and development of cities, towns and can plan well for sanitation and cleanliness in their areas. Retired teacher fraternity can open counseling cum coaching centers for guiding and teaching the poor students. They can earn credit for all this welfare towards their society and nation.
Apart from this, the contractual engagements made by previous Governments can be reviewed by present Government since it is a matter of earning bread and butter of lakhs of families in Jammu & Kashmir. Before disengaging them, contractual employees including teachers who are on protest these days for permanent absorption, the govermnnt can formulate a policy for all such cases to give them sympathetic consideration. Avenues can be created for lakhs of unemployed youth who are suffering for earning their day-to-day livelihood and other family liabilities.
Also Government can think upon to formulate a policy to engage at least one member of an unemployed and poor family to make a balance between the ratios of low and high income families. This move will give cheerful look on the faces of poor families and unemployed youth. They will have a ray of hope of absorption in Government departments.
Pertinent to mention, male youth can be preferred first as they are primary bread earners and run the whole household affairs as they have much responsibilities and liabilities towards their families. Women can be given second preference as they are second responsible members of their families.
It is worthwhile to mention that if this order of ban on re-employment is implemented, it will create several vacancies in PSUs, Corporations, and autonomous bodies in Jammu and Kashmir State. If youth can be preferred against such vacancies they can lift up the Departments by working hard with zeal and zest. They can put their full energy to perform their job. This will lessen their frustration and will come out of dilemma of unemployment they are facing with.
Juxtaposing the re-employed retired persons and unemployed army one can say that old is gold but youth is bold. In other sense, if opportunity can be given to youth they can perform well as compared to old (retired).


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