Rahul ridicules BJP Govts’ claim of laying roads

DHAR, MP, Nov 20:  With BJP tom-tomming about development of roads in states ruled by it, Rahul Gandhi today said mere creation of infrastructure has no meaning till the needy have access to education and health-care.

“It is not that we do not create infrastructure. But the opposition’s thinking is that you make roads and everything will be all right…(but) the poor don’t get benefit from the roads,” he said at an election rally here.

The Congress Vice President said while farmers sweat it out in their fields, the roads and airports are used by the selective rich.

“Roads alone won’t give food to the child or a woman… from his field, a farmer sees an aircraft and hopes that one day his children will travel by it,” Gandhi said, castigating the BJP government in Madhya Pradesh.

He said in Rajasthan, the Congress government has provided free medicine to people.

Gandhi said when the government brought employment guarantee scheme, people asked about the funds required.

“When we talk about needs of Dalits, tribals, minorities and the poor, we are asked about funds…But people remain silent when the sand mafia robs you,” he said. (PTI)