Rahul attacks “suit-boot” Govt in Lok Sabha

Rahul Gandhi today sharpened his attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, accusing his “suit-boot” Government of being pro-industrialists while ignoring the plight of farmers and farm labour.
In the second attack after yesterday’s farmers’ rally speech in the capital where he prised the Modi Government of being anti-farmer and pro-industrialists, the Congress leader made repeated jibes playing on the words ‘ache din (good days) Government’ and ‘suit-boot sarkar’ and claiming it had failed.
“The ache din Government has failed the country on the issue of farmers,” he said in a 25-minute speech accusing it of “ignoring” the farming community and favouring the industrialists and rich people, which was a “blunder” as the farmers will ‘harm” BJP in future.
Making a rare speech, the Congress Vice President, who was absent in the House during the first part of the Budget session as he had gone on a mysterious 56-day leave of absence, took the floor as the House resumed discussion on the the agrarian situation in the country, which was partly discussed during the first part of the budget session.
Later, he told reporters outside the House that the Government had no answers to the questions he had raised in the House. His mother and Congress President Sonia Gandhi was also appreciative of his speech.
The speech was repeatedly interrupted by BJP members, who clashed with Congress members who got up to defend their leader. Parliamentary Affairs Minister M Venkaiah Naidu had to intervene to calm down the treasury benches, telling them let the debate continue without interruption.
Intervening in the debate on the agrarian situation in the country, Parliamentary Affairs Minister M Venkaiah Naidu also hit out at the previous UPA dispensation for issuing over 460 ordinances during its tenure compared to about ten by it.
The land ordinance was re-issued after much deliberations, he said, adding that the previous UPA dispensation “had issued 462 ordinances, while this Government has come out with hardly 10”.
Attacking the Congress, Naidu said  the party was trying to bat for the farmers’ interests after “looting” them for 10 year sand insisted that Government was committed to providing relief those in distress. (AGENCIES)