Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Monday directed the state finance department to release compensation of Rs 50 lakh to the family of a bus driver who had died of a heart attack on his way to bring back devotees from Hazur Sahib in Maharashtra in 2020.
Fulfilling the Aam Aadmi Party’s promise, Mann issued directions to release the compensation to the family of driver Manjit Singh, a frontline corona warrior.
On April 2020, the Pepsu Road Transport Corporation (PRTC) had sent buses to bring back pilgrims stranded at Takht Hazur Sahib in Maharashtra because of the lockdown imposed in the wake of COVID-19.
Singh (38), one of the drivers of the PRTC buses, died of a heart attack when he was on his way to Maharashtra. He hailed from Badbar village of Barnala district.
The Congress-led government, which was in power at that time, had given a compensation of Rs 10 lakh to Singh’s family, said an official release here.
However, the AAP, under the leadership of Bhagwant Mann in the state at that time, had strongly protested against the Congress government and demanded Rs 50 lakh for the family of Singh. (PTI)