Public Durbar

Kindly refer to the  news item ‘Public Durbar at Convention Hall, Canal Road Jammu’ DE July 22. In this connection, it may be said  that 23th instant Public Durbar was fixed from 10am to 12am at Convention Hall Canal Road Jammu.Firstly, this centre is not a famous place.For it, there was not much rush,even then there was an irritating mismanagement regarding the registration of the aggrieved people and handling the aggrieved masses.
There was no arrangement even of drinking water.  Individual applications were collected , marked and handed over to the applicants standing outside the office where Advisor Khurshid Ganai was performing his duty.  Now , nobody knows what will be the fate or future of these applications bleak or bright.  From 10 pm upto 1.30 pm, only 27 deputations were attended to by the Advisor.  It is being said that applicants will  not have to run from pillar to post but it doesn’t appear so.  Grievances cell should be made more effective by making the officers more accountable.
Next,the Government should come down to the footsteps of the citizens in the form of officers of different departments, otherwise, the common masses will continue to suffer and State governance will remain poor.
T R Azad
R O Gole Gujral