Protests over execution of Yaqoob Memon

Excelsior Correspondent

Srinagar, July 31: A day after 1993 Mumbai serial blasts convict Yaqoob Memon was hanged and Taliban Chief, Mullah Mohammad Omar, was declared dead, hundreds of people today offered funeral prayers for them amidst protests here.
Hundreds of students of Kashmir University along with faculty members gathered inside the Hazratbal campus after Friday congregation and offered funeral-in-absentia for erstwhile Taliban Chief, Mullah Omar, who was yesterday formally declared dead by his family and group. There was, however, no protest during the funeral and it passed off peacefully.
Shortly after Friday congregational prayers concluded in Jama Masjid here in Nowhatta area of Old City, masked youth, once again, raised the flags of Islamic State, Pakistan and militant outfit, Lashkar-e-Toiba outside the mosque compound. People also offered funeral-in-absentia for Memon and late Taliban chief in Nowhatta.
Soon after the waving of flags and funeral-in-absentia, groups of youth pelted stones on police near Nowhatta police station. Police, witnesses said, chased away the stone-pelters and the situation returned to normal after minor clash.
Meanwhile, separatist leaders and activists of moderate Hurriyat were detained by police after they staged a protest against Memon’s hanging in city center here. The protesters also demanded release of prisoners and an end to alleged rights’ violations. A similar protest was staged by the activists of hardline Hurriyat faction here after Friday prayers. The protesters also expressed solidarity with the Jammu Muslims.
The women separatist activists of Dukhataran-e-Millat also staged a protest against Memon’s hanging and in solidarity with Jammu Muslims outside Jama Masjid in downtown here.
Reports of funeral-in-absentia for Omar and Menon were also received from Kani Kadal area of the city and south Kashmir’s Sherbagh area of Anantnag district.