This has reference to the article ‘Baili, the unexplored historic site’ DE April 19, 2015.
Author deserves appreciation for his commendable service to the nation by carrying out excavations on his own and discovering polished and unpolished tools and other articles of Paleolithic and Neolithic period. It is a sad state of affairs that despite his highlighting at various levels nothing could happen to safe guard and preserve the archaeological remains. The author has also stated that locals have taken away the chiseled stones from the site which reminds me a similar incident in case of historic Mandola Bauli where the locals have even destroyed the idols. It was pointed out by me through an article dated July 7, 2013. It is for all of us to protect such sites for the future generations. The research scholars may like to see the articles collected by exploration of ruins which are corroborative evidences of antiquity hinting towards the presence of earliest man in Shivaliks.
Yours etc……
Ayodhya Nath Kerni
Housing Colony