Promoting Ayurveda

This has reference to the news item ‘Need committed practioners to promote Ayurveda’ DE Nov. 10.
The Ayurvedic system of medicine is under great stress in present circumstances. In case it does not reinvent itself it will certainly lose its existence in coming times. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has rightly pointed out that the biggest challenge to it is posed by people associated with the practice itself.
There are reports that Ayurvedic doctors have been prescribing allopathic drugs to patients instead of Ayurvedic drugs, thereby denigrading the system in the eyes of patients.
The Ayurvedic practitioners should go for further research to make the system suitable for present day life and style. If Allopathic system remains dynamic and takes evolving problems head on, why should not Ayurvedic do the same. Ayurvedic system is more relevant in the present times, as it  has less number of side effects  as compared to Allopathic medicines.  The people associated with it should launch awareness campaign regarding its virtues, and promote it among masses.
Yours etc…
Surinder Salgotra