Picturesque Poonch is presently facing a number of issued which have made the life of people quite miserable here. Though administration is aware of it,steps need to be taken at the earliest to redress it urgently.
The town is reeling under water shortage. Water is supplied after three or four days that too for a short period.The pressure also remains very low. As a result, it does not meet our water requirement.
Erratic power is also an acute problem here. Even after grabbing media headlines for some time, the power situation has not improved. Many protests rocked the town sometime back to awaken the concerned authorities but nothing tangible has come out.
The Poonch district also is hit by poor BSNL connectivity. It becomes very difficult for people here to remain in touch with other parts of the country without proper network.
It is requested to the district administration to solve these issues of public importance at the earliest.
Yours etc….
Dr Rajeev Kapoor
Rajiv Dental Care Clinic