Er. Vinod Verma
The world is in the state of perpetual flux. Nothing is permanent any longer, change is perceptible everywhere. All life is a perpetual conflict between the old and the new. Its effects have been devastating on the fabric of human life and society. How does one come to grips with the situations? We have an answer ” Self Knowledge”- a process as simple and wonderful as opening. ones eyes to the full beauty of life. But most of us have forgotten the use of our eyes and are blind by choice ! It is true to say that mankind is today in the midst of one of the greatest crises. Our difficult situation is due to the lack of adjustment of the human spirit to starling development in science and technology. In spite of the fact that the great scientific inventions have modernized the people’s living, but we seem to suffer from a type of neurosis and cultural disintegration. Science has relieved us from many physical tortures and discomforts, yet we suffer from an inward loneliness.
If we are to survive a moral and spiritual revolution is required and we will have to come out of the artificially created crises of knowledge. This lack of knowledge has led of the cold war as a result fear and hatred have overshadowed the present ambience. There is a conflict between the goal of humanity as a family of nations, cooperating with one another in peace and freedom The present system is giving us nothing than the global war, universal advance into the mechanised society and militant materialism. The future requires a radical change in our attitudes, increase self -control and acquisition of knowledge- which is free, pure and divine.
It is not a one man job, nor a day’s job. Survival of the fittest and struggle for existence has burned out the tissues of man’s intellect and wisdom. He is crawling to survive with the minimum of self-knowledge and maximum of material list. Look in what dilemma the world is? There is great dearth of practical knowledge in present day civilization. Realities are being exploited for royalities by the so-called spiritualists & Care Takers of the society. There are crises of faith crises of love and cooperation and far more important, the crises of knowledge. There are some organizations like the UNO which were envisaged for the peaceful co- existence and justice to the common people of entire world. They have rather become commerical organizations working for their own existence and self-interests. The spirit of justice between right and wrong to act accordingly is, dying. Self Knowledge gives enough ability to a human being to make right use of knowledge to get the peaceful and good results that govern the day to day living of the people. Self – Knowledge transforms the mind from sub-human level to the human level, from self – concern to concern for all, from senseless worry to silent love. The means for the transformation lie in the very nature of man, to preserve to established relationship, (which is always a sweet responsibility never an opportunity) to perfect onself and other in intelligence. The awakening of intelligence is supreme task not of intellect but of wisdom (which is the fruit of self knowledge) of knowing oneself from moment to moment minutely and correctly without condemnation or justification, not as a process of self-improvement but as an expression of willingness to see the thing as they are. The self enlightened man is the salt of earth, the crown of human achievement and belongs to whole mankind.
Self-Knowledge brings every day, a new mind because you have denied the old mind. Through self -knowledge you have denied it, you have denied your conditioning totally and that can be denied totally only when the mind is aware of its own operations, How it works, What it thinks, What are the motives. To find truth man must be truthful both to himself, to others, the truth that can set us free is the truth of our present condition. If we open ourselves to it, will lead us beyond our present state, otherwise. When we hear truth and do not act upon it, becomes a poison within ourselves and that poison spreads bringing psychological disturbances unbalanced mind and ill-health.