This has reference to the news item ‘Power projects in limbo as Govt fails to expedite works’ DE Dec 13.
The successive State Governments have never been serious about making the State power sufficient. The State has grappled with power woes in the past, and will continue to do so in the future as well. The sector which should have been on priority list is the much neglected ones. The much needed power reforms have not been carried yet. With the result people are suffering day in and day out.
The Jammu and Kashmir State as it is endowed with huge reserviours of water is not generating enough power to meet its needs. Rather this State should have been exporting electricity to other States, as does Himachal Pradesh.
There is much scope for min-hydel projects in the State. Time and again attention has gone into it, but one wonders why this power potential has remained untapped so far. The Government must start making the non-functional power projects functional by bringing them all under an action plan. The water potential of the State is a God given gift to us, and it should be explored for the benefit of the State people.
Yours etc…
Veer Singh