We have been living in democratic India for the last sixty seven years. Indian democracy is known as one of the biggest democratic country in the world. In democracy, Government is formed by elected majority party or any alliance of more than one or two elected political parties. Policies, major decisions, amendments and legislative laws are enacted and implemented by the majority in three tier electoral houses of the nation.
All political parties beat the drum of democracy i.e a Govt of the people, by the people and for the people. But a look at these political parties reveal that almost all these parties are dynastic in nature. These parties usually are headed by family members. They always plead for strengthening the democratic temple of India. How far it will be realistic one can imagine from the past experience. Their promises are as false as they themselves are. It is so said that a man is not judged by his intentions but the efforts he has made or done for you. The best time to scrutinise them is at the time of elections. Be a good citizen of India.
Yours etc…
Rakesh Sharma
State General Secretary
Humanity First Foundation