Policy meaningless if implemented without human face: Dattu

NEW DELHI, Dec 9: Any well-intended policy or law, purportedly for betterment of the country, will be meaningless if implemented without a humane face, NHRC chairperson Justice H L Dattu today said in remarks that come in the midst of difficulties faced by people on account of cash crunch triggered by demonetisation.
He did not specifically refer to the demonetisation or the difficulties arising out of it in his message on the eve of Human Rights Day tomorrow.
Dattu said the preamble of the Constitution and the articles relating to fundamental rights and directive principles of state policy make protection of human rights a constitutional obligation of the state as well as the duty of a citizen.
“Therefore, any well intended action, policy or law, purportedly for the betterment of the country, will render itself meaningless, if implemented without a humane face and people’s co-operation,” he said in  the message.
Dattu also called upon people to contribute in creating a society in which human rights of every individual are respected and protected in “our quest for the growth and development of our great nation.” Tomorrow is the Human Rights Day. On this day in 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations had adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
“It is in commemoration of this Universal Declaration that a Day is dedicated to remind people to stand up for their human rights and respect others’ rights,” said Dattu. He said ‘Stand up for someone’s rights today’, the theme and slogan for this year’s Human Rights Day, given by the UN Human Rights Office, very aptly serves the essence and importance of the promotion and protection of human rights. (PTI)