Police seeks clarification on DNA report of French Diplomat

The police team investigating the alleged rape of a four-year-old daughter by French Diplomat Pascal Mazurier have decided to seek clarification from the State Forensic Scince Laboratory as there were several ambiguous and vague sections that need clarification.
Police sources said the DNA test report was received yesterday evening.
Some findings in the report are negative and some others positive, Hence they were seeking certain clarifications from the Lab.
French Diplomat Pascal Muzurier (39), on Tuesday morning, has been arrested by Bangalore Police over the charges of sexually assaulting his minor daughter.
His Indian wife Suja Jones had made a complaint against him.
Mazurier is the deputy head of chancery in the French consulate who was accused of sexually assaulting his own four-year-old daughter.
He was booked under section 376 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).