Prime Minister Modi released the 17th instalment of the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi, amounting to Rs 20,000 crore, for over 9.26 crore farmers across India, a significant milestone in the ongoing effort to support the agricultural sector. This initiative, launched in February 2019, continues to demonstrate the Government’s unwavering commitment to the welfare of farmers, a cornerstone of India’s socio-economic fabric. The PM Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme provides financial assistance to small and marginal farmers, aiming to ensure a steady income and support for agricultural expenses. The recent instalment, released from Varanasi, underscores the programme’s extensive reach and impact, including Rs 182.55 crore allocated for 8.46 lakh farmers in Jammu and Kashmir. This substantial disbursement highlights the scheme’s critical role in bolstering the livelihoods of farmers nationwide.
The PM’s commitment to the agricultural sector is further exemplified by his statement that farmers, along with women, youth, and the poor, are the pillars of a developed India. This inclusive vision reflects the Government’s broader strategy to uplift all segments of society, transcending divisions of caste, creed, or religion. By prioritising the needs of these key demographics, the Government seeks to drive holistic national development. The Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme is more than just a financial assistance programme; it is a testament to the Government’s proactive approach to rural development. The scheme’s regular disbursements have created a reliable support system for farmers, enabling them to invest in better farming practices, purchase quality seeds and fertilisers, and adopt modern technologies. This support is crucial in a sector that faces numerous challenges, including fluctuating market prices, unpredictable weather patterns, and limited access to credit.
The seamless dedication towards agriculture is visible from Modi’s first term to his current third term, reflecting a consistent and focused effort to address agricultural issues. This continuity is vital for building trust and ensuring that farmers can rely on the Government’s support over the long term. Moreover, the integration of technology into the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme showcases the Government’s forward-thinking approach. The use of AI and the establishment of over five lakh common service centres highlight efforts to modernise agricultural practices and improve accessibility to Government services. Initiatives like the Kisan e-Mitra AI chatbot, available in multiple languages, including Dogri and Kashmiri, are pivotal in bridging the information gap and empowering farmers with knowledge and resources.
The success stories emerging from Jammu and Kashmir, such as the Aroma Mission and Lavender cultivation in Bhaderwah, serve as inspirational examples of how targeted initiatives can transform local economies. These ventures not only provide livelihood opportunities but also position Indian agriculture on the global map, showcasing innovative practices and sustainable development.
The comprehensive Holistic Agriculture Development Plan, with its 29 sub-components, reflects a meticulous and inclusive strategy to enhance agricultural productivity and sustainability. In addition to financial support, the Government’s focus on technological advancements and sustainable practices is crucial for the future of Indian agriculture. High-density apple orchards, saffron and almond plantations, and high-tech propagation methods for walnut and medicinal plants in Pulwama exemplify the potential for innovation-driven growth in agriculture. These initiatives not only improve yield and quality but also ensure that farming remains a viable and attractive occupation for future generations. The PM Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme, with its far-reaching benefits, is a cornerstone of futuristic vision.
By prioritising the welfare of farmers and integrating modern technologies into traditional practices, the Government is paving the way for a prosperous and resilient agricultural sector. Through consistent financial support, technological integration, and innovative practices, the scheme lays the foundation for long-term agricultural growth and sustainability.