PM speaks to Mehbooba, assures full support of Central Govt

Sanjeev Pargal

JAMMU, Apr 5: In her maiden address after taking over as Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir yesterday, Mehbooba Mufti today talked of good relations between people of the State and rest of the country. She also spoke about bridging gap between three regions of the State and giving good governance to the people.
Speaking to large number of PDP leaders and activists in the lawns of official Chief Minister’s residence at Residency Road this evening, who had been called over tea by her, Mehbooba said Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke to her this morning immediately after reaching New Delhi from Riyadh, the Saudi Arabia capital and told her that he has been conferred with Saudi Arabia’s highest civilian award—the King Abdulaziz Sash by King Salman bin Abdulaziz at the Royal Court.
“This is the great honour by an Islamic nation for the Prime Minister,” she said and added that Modi has assured all help for development of Jammu and Kashmir during her meeting with him in New Delhi before formation of Government in the State and during telephonic talks today.
In her over an hour long meeting with PDP leaders and workers, drawn from all parts of the State, some of whom couldn’t attend her swearing-in yesterday, Mehbooba said the very purpose of founding the PDP by Mufti Mohammad Sayeed was bringing Jammu and Kashmir closer to India and bridging the gap between three regions of the State.
“We have to carry forward this agenda of Mufti Saheb ahead—both in the Government and within the party. We have to connect the people in such a way that the State looks one single entity,” she said.
Pointing out that it was Mufti Sayeed’s vision to keep the State as one, Ms Mufti said it was in this context that he had preferred to align with the BJP, which had overwhelming mandate in Jammu region while the PDP had won majority of seats in the Kashmir valley.
“Notwithstanding the divergent ideologies, Mufti Sayeed forged alliance between PDP and BJP and ran the Government very well for 10 months before his unfortunate death,” she said and hoped that the new Government between the two parties, which was revived yesterday under her command, would also function smoothly.
Justifying her decision to align with the BJP, Mehbooba asserted that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been elected by over 100 crore people of the country and he enjoys their goodwill. She hoped that Centre would continue to extend both moral and financial support to Jammu and Kashmir.
“The Prime Minister has assured me full support from the Government of India in mitigating the sufferings of the people of J&K,” she said and Modi told her that his entire team was behind the J&K Government and will extend all possible help to them.
Mehbooba said Modi and Mufti Sayeed shared joint vision for peace and prosperity of Jammu and Kashmir and the present Government would work with fresh resolve towards implementing that vision so that the people of J&K reap fruits of globalization and economic liberalization like their counterparts in other States of the country.
“Modi had told me during my meeting with him in New Delhi that Mufti Sahab’s vision was the only way to end problems in and around Jammu and Kashmir,” she said.
Mehbooba told the party leaders and workers that she would strive to give good governance to the people of the State.
“Our focus will be and should be to give good governance to the people of the State and hopefully we will succeed in our mission,” the Chief Minister said.
Party leaders said Mehbooba Mufti also spoke of good relations between the party and the Government, which were must to take Government’s policies and programmes to doorsteps of the people and make them aware of the new schemes meant for welfare of the people.
Meanwhile, Mehbooba Mufti has called Ministers of PDP and BJP and legislators of all parties including PDP, BJP, main opposition parties—NC and Congress, CPM and Independents over dinner tomorrow at her official residence.
Mehbooba told the party leaders and workers that ‘Agenda of Alliance’ reached between PDP and BJP on the basis of which the two parties had formed Government was not the pact between just two Alliance partners but it was an agenda of one billion people of the country to take J&K towards the era of peace, stability and prosperity.
She said productive development and inclusive prosperity was possible only in an environment of peace and stability which necessitated that not only the people of J&K but entire country join the new enterprise of hope to pill the State out of morass and resolutely address challenges confronting it.
An official handout said:- Mehbooba asserted that peace and harmony is imperative for any positive initiative to take shape and have an impact on the ground.
“J&K essentially has huge stakes in peace, harmony and stability, as people both in Kashmir and Jammu regions have to suffer enormous human tragedies and economic losses because of the hostility. While people living along the borders in Jammu region suffer and live under the constant threat of cross-border shelling, the people in Kashmir valley are suffering because of the continued internal strife and recurrent violence, she said and added that peace along the borders in Jammu region and within the mainland in Kashmir is key to development and progress.
Mehbooba said addressing the genuine political, economic and security concerns of the people of Jammu and Kashmir is an issue which goes beyond power politics and requires a decisive political will at various levels.
“We shall have to take decisive measures to end the scenario of despair and trust deficit,” she said and added that the most daring challenge for this Government is to be with the people and reach out to them.
“We shall have to respond to and determinedly work towards mitigating the complex problems of J&K, faced as it is with decades long political uncertainty, economic deprivation, development deficit and mounting unemployment,” she said.
Mehbooba said despite passing through the darkest era of its history, the main source of the State’s confidence is the substantial potential of building upon its young and enterprising human resource.
“It is heartening to note that even after having gone through the most difficult times, our young boys and girls are doing us proud in whatever field they take a plunge,” she said and added that the J&K’s young population has suffered immensely due to the conflict and our youth now need to connect with the larger world outside to grab the opportunities available to their counterparts elsewhere.
Mehbooba said in a democratic setup the power lies with the people and they have to be given due respect. She said the doors of her Ministers and civil servants should remain always open for the common people. “If any Minister and other Government functionary fails to respond effectively to genuine problems of the people, the complainants should directly approach my office,” she said and added that she would ensure effective action on such genuine issues that are brought to her notice.
Several Ministers and legislators and PDP leaders were also present on the occasion.


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