PM launches Saansad Aadarsh Gram Yojana for developing model villages

NEW DELHI :  Prime Minister Narendra Modi today launched the Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) aimed at  turning villages into model villages through people’s participation, “demand-drewn and not supply-drewn  programmes” and little dependence on government policies.     Speaking on the occasion, the Prime Minister said the  SAGY would open a “new door for constructive politics”  in the country and MPs, irrespective of their political affiliations, would feel proud of their contribution in developing a village on their own.      “…It should not be supply-drewn but demand-drewn, not with government policies but people’s participation and not by imposing government decisions but taking the  people into confidence and winning their trust,” he said.    The Yojana which was launched on the birth anniversary  of socialist leader Jayprakash Narayan focusses  on empowering poor households and encouraging them to come  out of poverty with participation by Members of Parliament.    It also aims at improving the standard of living and  quality of life of all sections of people by improving  the basic amenities, building infrastructure and through social development.
The scheme announced by the Prime Minister on August 15  in his Independence Day address from the Red Fort entails  that a Member of Parliament has to identify a village,  other than his own or “in-laws’ village” and turn it into  a ‘model village’ by 2016.
The MP has to later adopt two more villages and develop  these into model villages by 2019.
After 2019, he has to develop five model villages till  2024.
The Prime Minister said he too would visit Varanasi (his Parliamentary constituency) shortly and adopt a village there in consultation with people.
Pointing out that every state has 5-10 villages which are well developed, he said this indicated that besides government policies, there were some decisions taken by the people in such villages, may be the elders,who helped in developing them.    Had it only been for government policies, which are uniform for every village, all the villages in a state would be well-developed. That showed only government policies did not help.
“If we have to bring change in policies, we have to start from somewhere…there are many government policies but to take all policies to one goal, we need cooperation from all,” he added.
The Prime Minister said it was not a “small risk” that he had taken. But when all MPs would join, people would feel the difference.
He said the SAGY was not “ultimate” but a flexible thing and there was scope for changes and additions and improvements along the way.