NEW DELHI: Attacking Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his smart city programme, Congress president Rahul Gandhi on Sunday pointed out that only seven per cent of Rs 9,860 crore for the project has been used.
The Congress president accused Mr Modi of coming out with empty slogans. Pointing out that China was giving tough competition to India on Smart cities, Mr Gandhi, posting on his social media account a video on China’s Smart city programme, asked followers of Mr Modi to watch it and advise him to focus on job creation for India.
The video, a documentary titled ‘Schenzen: the Silicon valley of hardware ‘ talks about the rapid strides taken by China in the area of development of smart cities.
”Dear Modi bhakts, out of 9,860 crores for the Smart Cities only 7 per cent has been used. China is out competing us while your master gives us empty slogans.
Please watch this video and advise him to focus on what matters-job creation for India. #BJPEmptyPromises,” Mr Gandhi tweeted. (AGENCIES)