Plea to VC

This pertains to  the attestation process of documents of the students which is mandatory  during filling up various forms whether admission forms or any other examination forms of the University. As a result of it, the  student community has  to pass through a hectic and a painful exercise of getting their documents attested.
The  point is that there are so many students who come from  Jammu itself and also from different and far regions like from Doda, Kishtwar, Poonch, Rajouri, Leh, Kargil or from Kashmir region too for filling up various  forms and for getting attested those documents, They have to wait in  long queues for hours to get their documents attested by the department of Dean Student Welfare (DSW).
We sincerely appreciate that university has provided a noble service to get documents attested by the office of DSW but the whole process is very hectic and problematic as many a time they fail to submit their forms and have to visit again and again in the University for the whole Process.
It is requested  stop this painful Colonial practice of document attestation, so that student community can take a sigh of relief and can be relieved from this burden. As the self-attestation process has been set in Central Government offices, it is suggested that this practice be also started in the University.
Yours etc…
Sunil Kumar,
Shah Niwaz Ladakhi and Sahbaz Poonchi
Scholars, Jammu