Plea to exam conducting agencies

Come March, and it is exam season. The students are very excited and full of energy as the burden of studies is going to reduce from their mind and body, and they are going to receive the reward of their hard work, dedication, and commitment of  the whole year in next one or two months.  But this excitement and energy flows into drains when exams are postponed due to inclement weather or some other reasons. I want to draw the attention of various exam conducting agencies-boards, colleges and universities that while framing the date sheets of various board exams, the weather report of Meteorological Department  should also be taken into consideration for the convenience of students.  The other malpractices like leakage of question papers, mass copying etc. should also be strictly checked and harsh laws should be framed to eradicate than from the examination system.
Yours etc…..
Mukesh Kumar
Govt H/S Chakrali
Zone Marh