PK takes stock of latest political situation

Excelsior Correspondent

PK leaders in a meeting on Friday.
PK leaders in a meeting on Friday.

Jammu, Dec 26: The Executive council of Panun Kashmir held meeting here today to take stock of the latest post election political scenario of the State. The meeting was held under the chairmanship of Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo, President, (PK) and was among others attended by Prof. M.L.Raina, Chairman, Political Affairs Committee, Virender Raina, National Spokesperson, J.L.Kaul, vice president, Upinder Kaul, general secretary, Kamal Bagati, organising secretary, Vijay Qazi, N.M.Gadroo, Ravi Punjabi and Sameer Bhat.
The Executive council congratulated the Bharatiya Janata Party for an excellent result in the just concluded Assembly elections and felt satisfaction that the voters responded positively in an unprecedented manner. This historic verdict has the potential to change the political discourse in the state, the meeting said.
Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo, President, (PK) in his address said that the nationalist forces have been emboldened by the historic verdict of the people. This will initiate a process that would ultimately empower the people of Jammu region who faced neglect and apathy by the politico-administrative apparatus of the State all along. The discrimination in terms of employment opportunities, development of infrastructure and the faulty constituency delimitation has pushed the Jammu region to a second grade status. The opportunity to change all this is now and here.
There are also very important political issues that have remained pending for the last a number of decades which include the resettlement of the displaced Kashmiri Pandit community and the rehabilitation of the refugees of 1947, 1965 and 1971. All these issues need urgent attention of the new government. The displaced Kashmiri Pandit community of Kashmir, which faced political marginalization and economic squeeze in the Valley of Kashmir, has great expectations from the new political dispensation that is about to take effect in the State in which BJP would be a big component. In order to stop the exodus of the educated and talented youth of the region to the other parts of the country, in search of employment opportunities, needs to be addressed by creating job avenues for them in the State itself.
Virender Raina, National spokesperson while addressing the meeting said that the recommendations of the Parliamentary Standing Committee should form the basis of the welfare measures for the displaced community. The new Government in the State will have to take up the special employment package for the displaced community on a war footing but without the inhuman conditionalities attached to it.