Pittsburgh on the Hudson? Wrong city in NY City campaign logo

NEW YORK, May 24:  For New York City mayoral hopeful Anthony Weiner, the road to City Hall leads through Pittsburgh. Weiner, the candidate who infamously resigned from the US Congress two years ago in a sexting scandal, unveiled a video announcing his mayoral candidacy and a campaign logo on his website on Wednesday.
Hamburgers for life reward to man who helped Ohio kidnap  victims
CLEVELAND (Reuters) – The man made famous for putting down his Big Mac to help free three women held captive for about a decade in a Cleveland house will never have to buy a hamburger in his hometown again. More than two weeks after Charles Ramsey became an instant folk hero after telling his story to television reporters, Cleveland food blogger Michelle Venorsky said on Thursday that 15 restaurants are offering him a free hamburger, whenever he wants it.
Prosecutor in Berlusconi sex trial receives mail with  bullets
MILAN (Reuters) – The prosecutor in former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi’s sex trial has received a series of anonymous letters of threats, including one with two bullets, Milan’s chief prosecutor said yesterday. The letters against Ilda Boccassini have become more frequent since she requested a six-year jail sentence and a lifetime ban on holding public office for Berlusconi, Edmondo Bruti Liberati said.
Norway crime novelist talks his way to live interview  record
OSLO (Reuters) – Defying the stereotype of the tight-lipped Scandinavian, popular Norwegian crime writer Hans Olav Lahlum set the world record for the longest interview yesterday after spending more than 30 non-stop hours chatting in an online broadcast. Lahlum, who rarely paused for more than a few seconds, discussed topics ranging from US presidents to his fictional characters during the online show hosted by VG Nett, the online arm of Norwegian tabloid VG.