Pink Floyd star David Gilmour calls wife his muse

LONDON, Nov 13:  Pink Floyd star David Gilmour has revealed that he downplayed his wife’s contribution to their band’s success to avoid comparisons with Yoko Ono.
Gilmour’s wife Polly Sampson has writing credits on seven of the band’s songs from 1994 album ‘The Division Bell’ but the rocker admits that she did not get the credit she deserved, reported the London Evening Standard.
Pink Floyd has come with a new album ‘The Endless River’, which is based on the unused recordings from the sessions for ‘The Division Bell’.
The rocker, 68, while speaking at the album launch at the Porchester Hall in Bayswater, said, “I don’t want to sound too adoring but she is my moral compass and my muse, really, and it was not actually quite sufficiently recognised or credited on Division Bell. She has a fantastic way with words.”
Her role was underplayed partly for fear of “the Yoko Ono effect”, he said, referring to how John Lennon’s second wife was blamed for the break up of The Beatles.
“Like many things, it was a strange, old dinosaur misogynist world.”
Samson, 52, said she had only asked for payment and not credit while writing the songs for the band. “I think it was a shameful secret the last time I wrote for Pink Floyd. I was so worried about being seen as a Yoko Ono figure,” she said.
“She is a really serious artist and she has such a huge amount of integrity,” Samson said adding the comparison would be positive today.
Drummer Nick Mason revealed that the band may never come up with new music .
“The tank is almost certainly empty. But we will continue to look after the Pink Floyd catalogue.” (PTI)


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