Physical Education lecturers in Jammu and Kashmir who were promoted as Gazetted Officers in 2008 are still waiting for their ”regularisation” and removing of pay anomalies and getting revised pay scales ? At the outset, this term “regularisation” seems vague and literally confusing . Are these employees still “irregular” and how many years more are required by them to be eligible for getting “regularised”, can be answered by the planners and other authorities in the Education Department. Physical education lecturers also deserve to be treated at par with other lecturers in Gazetted cadre and thus given a fair deal and since it is not being done for years together , it points towards the absence of a proper policy and set guidelines in personnel matters . By singling out a particular discipline although recognised “at par” to face virtually a humiliating treatment in matters of pay, salary etc is depicting a system needing fast revamping. Give due to what an employee is entitled to and hold him or her responsible and even made to face strict action if found indulging in dereliction in duty. We trust the matter would be looked into on priority.