PHE workers’ protest continues

Excelsior Correspondent

PHE workers staging protest demonstration outside Chief Engineer's office on BC Road in Jammu on Tuesday.—Excelsior/ Rakesh
PHE workers staging protest demonstration outside Chief Engineer’s office on BC Road in Jammu on Tuesday. —Excelsior/ Rakesh

JAMMU, Sept 29:  The protest demonstration and dharna of  the daily rated, ITI trained and CP workers of PHE Department in support of their demands at BC Road office complex of the department continued on 21st consecutive day here today.
A large number of workers  in semi-naked condition, under the banner of All J&K PHE, ITI Trained & CP Workers Association and led by Tanveer Hussain, provincial president of the body, assembled at BC Road office of  the Chief Engineer in the morning and held protest demonstration against the higher authorities in the department.  The workers were raising loud slogans against the Chief Engineer concerned, Minister for PHE, I&FC Sukhnandan Choudhary, Finance Minister Dr Haseeb Drabu and Chief Minister Mufti Mohd Sayeed.  They also raised slogans against BJP Ministers from Jammu region for their failure to project their case and provide them any relief.
The agitating workers are demanding to frame proper policy for their regularization and release of their pending wages. They alleged that Government has turned a deaf ear towards to their plight. Moreover, they were not paid their wages on the festivals of  Raksha Bandan, Janamashtmi and even on Eid.
The workers were demanding release of their wages in time and regularly and  enhancement in the rate of their daily wages. They demanded that disparity in the wages of the Valley based and Jammu region workers be removed and unique wage system be adopted in all the three regions of the State.
Provincial president Tanveer alleged that despite assurance given by Minister for PHE and senior officers, their demands have not been resolved. Many of them have been working for the last 15-20 years  but they are still waiting for their regularization.
Tanveer further alleged great discrimination was meted out to the workers of Jammu region. He said the money which was released for the ITI trained workers vide Govt order No. FD-VIII-23/1/2009 dated 30-6-2015, was to the tune of Rs 1400.36 crore whereas, Jammu’s share was kept just Rs 287.79 crore while lion’s share of Rs 1116.57 crore was kept for the workers of Kashmir. This is glaring example of discrimination by the Government with the workers of Jammu.
He said the workers would take out Adhikar rally tomorrow from the BC Road and it will culminate at Press Club.