Bollywood actress Sana Khan, who is all set to hit the big screen with Vishal Pandya’s upcoming Wajah Tum Ho, believes that the movie will prove a turning point in her career and given a choice she would not even like to kiss anyone on-screen. Jaideep Pandey in conversation with the Bigg Boss diva
How was your experience of working with Vishal Pandya?
Of-course it’s great. After I met Vishal and we started working, my perceptions about him changed completely. He is such a good person, definitely a very good director as people have seen his work in Hate-Story 2 and 3, which have been big successes. I think once people see ‘Wajah Tum Ho’, they will realize how he has evolved as a director.
Were you comfortable performing the intimate scenes while shooting for Wajah Tum Ho?
You know this is the most funny question I have been asked after doing WTH as I think nobody in this world will feel comfortable shooting such scenes, until and unless you are not a porn-star. It’s not easy to make out with some random guy even though you are working and showing the chemistry on-screen. I think that knowing a person and performing such scenes is the most uncomfortable and different thing to do. And given a choice I would not even like to kiss anyone on-screen and forget anything else. But when you do a film or play a character everything revolves around the character. It’s simply like you are playing a character and living with it and so I am not Siya or Siya is not me.
You are returning to the big screen with Wajah Tum Ho almost after two years. What kept you away from the film industry.
Honestly nothing kept me busy, but what kept me away was not getting the right film. I think that after Bigg Boss when I did Jai Ho, the only reason to do it was definitely Salman as he offered me the film when I was in house. Every newcomer looks for a platform and for me Bigg Boss was a platform. It was important so that people can see me and I gain visibility because otherwise nobody would entertain because they don’t know me. And I can say that I did Jai Ho due to good makers and knowing that people will go to watch it. My aim before joining the Bigg Boss was to become a lead actress and so I waited for two years to be a part of a big banner film, as it offers you a good release in the industry. So, when they narrated me the script I agreed to do it.
What is your take on Gurmeet Chaudhary as an actor?
I think Gurmeet is a good actor. He has been doing TV for more than ten years and so he is more confident and more easy when it comes to acting. And for me to work with him was good since he is a cool person and working with him was nice.
What kind of films are you looking forward to do in future. Any plans of doing a comedy?
Yes, my next movie Tom, Dick and Harry 2 is a comedy which is expected to release next year.
Are you a director’s actor?
Yes, I am completely.
Will you agree that ‘Jai Ho’ was a turning point in your career?
Honestly, not really; but I feel that Wajah Tum Ho will be a turning point in my career.
In short, define Sana’s personality.
I think very naughty, talkative, 24×7 happy for no reason and I feel that am a completely positive person. (TWF)