People protest against power crisis, warn to launch agitation

Excelsior Correspondent

Protesters raising slogans after blocking Janipur-New Plot road on Sunday. —Excelsior/Rakesh

JAMMU, June 30: People today held a protest demonstration against the Government and the Power Development Department (PDD) for irregular power supply in various areas of the Paloura.
The irate residents of Paloura (Ward number 59 and 60) led by Ex-corporator Ashok Singh Manhas assembled near Power Station, Janipur and lodged their protest against the Government and PDD for not supplying regular power to various areas of Paloura.
Later, the protestors blocked the busiest Janipur-New Plot road, due to which vehicular movement came to standstill for around half an hour.
The protestors were raising slogans against the Government and the PDD for power curtailments in the various areas of Paloura particularly in Ward Number 59 and 60.
Addressing the gathering, Manhas alleged that the Government and PDD have compelled the people of the Jammu region to come on roads and hold protest against them.
“Long duration power cuts have made the life of people miserable and the senior citizens, ailing people and small kids are most affected”, he alleged.
He said that the transformers in Ward No 59 and 60 were damaged few days back, and till date they were not repaired by the Department, compelling them to adopt agitational path.
The increasing power curtailments have also led to shortage of drinking water, thus adding to the woes of people, he said.
The protestors warned to launch agitation against the Government and PDD, if they failed to supply uninterrupted power at the earliest.
Later on the intervention of the senior police officials and assurance by the senior PDD officials, the protestors dispersed.