Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 25: J&K Pensioners Association held a meeting under the chairmanship of Govind Ram Sharma, president, wherein they strongly condemned the State Government for not conceding their demands.
The pensioners criticized the Government for using dilly-dallying tactics to deprive of the old pensioners/ family pensioners of their genuine rights and causing uncalled for delay in getting settled their demands.
The meeting discussed that arrears of Sixth Pay Commission were allowed in two installments in favour of State Judiciary against five installment to State Government employees whereas Central Government have also given pension arrears in two installment only. The State Government civil officers and subordinate Judiciary officers have been given pay hike of 166% against 307% in favour of the State Judiciary Officers.
They said that no medical allowances to State Government pensioners, where as the same was enhanced for MLAs and MLCs. Also no additional quantum of pension to their pensioners after attaining the age of 80 to 100 has been provided to them, they maintained Various other demands were also discussed by the pensioners and the Government urged to concede the same at the earliest.
Those present on the occasion were N D Sharma, Jagdish Dogra, Swarn Singh, Ram Lal Sharma, A S Gupta, Dessa Singh, O P Gupta, K L Basotra, Kamal Bhardwaj and others.