After an unprecedented election in the State, in which over 79 percent people took part, it does not behove political parties particularly PDP and BJP to refrain from coming to an understanding to allow Governor rule to continue indefinitely.
Without any further delay they ought to work out a formula to form a viable stable Government.
Every day that passes is a loss of great magnitude in absence of devolepment and progress. If the two parties agree to join hands the Central Government is expected to release 44,000 crore package for devolpement plans ,includinding hydroelectric projects and pending rail and highways projects.
One wonders the exetent of peoples resentment and anger that would result if sepratists threat is not overcome by the PDP. In the interest of both Kashmir as well as Jammu regions PDP should ignore the anti-national elements boldly and go ahead with allying with BJP.
Yours etc….
Triguni Parsad,
77 sector 3,
Channi Himat, Jammu