PDP an accomplice in BJP’s politics of hate: NC

National Conference leaders at a party convention at Bandipora on Thursday.
National Conference leaders at a party convention at Bandipora on Thursday.

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Dec 8: National Conference (NC) today accused PDP of becoming an active accomplice in propagating and advancing BJP’s politics of hate in the State. Addressing a one day convention of the Party’s delegates for district Bandipora at Sumbal today, NC, general secretary Ali Mohammad Sagar said the PDP-BJP alliance had become a source of unending suffering for the people of the State and had given the State an inept, corrupt and inefficient Government.
“While BJP’s politics of tyranny, hate and divisiveness has become a scourge across the country, it is tragic that PDP has become an accomplice in furthering this communal agenda in the country’s only Muslim majority State that has a unique legacy of amity, secularism and tolerance. PDP sold its conscience, ideology and identity to the BJP for political power and today the State is bearing the consequences of this sell-out”, NC general secretary Ali Mohammmad Sagar said while addressing the party’s delegates, functionaries and workers in Sumbal.
The NC general secretary lashed out at the Chief Minister for having the audacity to insult the grieving families of almost a hundred young men and women who had lost their lives in the current unrest and said this had exposed the anti-people and opportunistic nature of PDP. “To appease BJP and to conceal their guilt of supervising the killing of almost a hundred young men and women and the maiming of hundreds more, Mehbooba Mufti has taken upon herself the task of defaming and maligning the people of Kashmir”, Ali Mohammad Sagar added.
Speaking at the convention, NC State vice president, Chowdhary Mohammad Ramzan said Mehbooba Mufti should own responsibility for the current unrest in the State – the source of which lay in the alienation that had been brought about because of the PDP-BJP alliance. “PDP fought elections against the BJP and sought votes to keep BJP out of the Civil Secretariat. Ironically the same PDP facilitated BJP’s entry into the Civil Secretariat and is now responsible for setting the State on fire. Mehbooba Mufti cannot escape the consequences of this treachery with the people and PDP’s rout has become imminent”, the NC vice president and former Minister said.
Speaking at the convention, National Conference Provincial president Nasir Aslam Wani said N C was the only party that could rescue the State from the present morass. “It is our responsibility to stand in solidarity with our people and help them in facing the challenges that have come to fore as a result of the present unrest.
National Conference North Zone president and MLA Sonawari, Mohammad Akbar Lone said the PDP-BJP Government had been reduced to a mere technicality in the State as basic and essential functions of governance stood neglected. “The Government is nowhere to be seen and even the dispensation of basic, essential services has become a challenge. While the Chief Minister is busy inaugurating ATMs and obsessed with photo-ops to present a fake perception of normalcy in the State, every single Government department has been rendered defunct as public works and developmental activities have come to a standstill”, Lone said.
Party leaders Ghulam Rasool Naaz, Aga Yusuf, various functionaries, Block presidents and Halqa president besides the party’s delegates and workers took part in the convention.