Ref:- 1. Govt. Order No.296F of 2010 dated 21.12.2010.
2. SRO 42 dated 02.02.2011. 3. Finance Deptt. letter No.FD/RTI/2/2012 dated 20.01.2012. 4. Finance Deptt. O.M. letter No.A/80(07)/i/1532 dated 20.12.2012.
The grade of a Jr.Engineer recommended by Pay Anomaly Committee constituted vide Govt. Order No.1387 GAD of 2009 dated 08.10.2009 and also mentioned in the reply of RTI application vide Finance Deptt. letter No.FD/RTI/2/2012 dated 20.01.2012 is as under:-
5700-200-10100 (Pre-revised) 9300-34800+4200 (Revised) as it existed before issuance of SRO 42 dated 02.02. 2011.
The above recommendation was approved by Cabinet and implemented vide Govt. Order No. 296F of 2010 dated 21.12.2010.
However after the issuance of Order No.296F of 2010 dated 21.12.2010, SRO 42 was devised under which amendments were made and the pre-revised scale of 5700-200-10100 was revised to 9300-34800+Grade pay 4260.
But the Jr. Engineers did not get the revised Grade pay of 4260 because of the clarification issued by Finance Deptt. vide their O.M. letter No.A/80(07)/i/1532 dated 20.12.2012 which again ignored the pre-revised scale of 5700-200-10100 which has corresponding Grade pay of 4260.
Inspite of repeated representations in this regard and even silent acceptance by Finance Deptt. in the RTI Reply,still the Finance Deptt has failed to issue clarification and continues to maintain silence.This is certainly a case of bureaucratic redtapism and nothing short of that.
Yours etc…..
Er. Sachin Tickoo
PDD, Jammu