Palm Sunday procession organized

Members of Christian community during Palm Sunday procession in Jammu. -Excelsior/Rakesh
Members of Christian community during Palm Sunday procession in Jammu. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 24: St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Prem Nagar here today along with Fr. Kuriakose, the Parish Priest, Fr. Suhail Joseph, the Asst. Parish Priest and others organized Palm Sunday procession.
A handout stated that Palm Sunday is a Christian celebration that marks the beginning of the Holy Week leading to Easter Sunday.
Recalling this great event, the procession began with people carrying palm leaves in their hands from the Church to Residency Road, Vivekananda Chowk and back to St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Prem Nagar.
Hundreds of Christian community members participated in the procession and thousands of people watched it.
As the procession reached before the altar, the readings of the day were read before the people.
Fr. Kuriakose, the Parish Priest, in his homily emphasized the readings of the day. He briefly explained the real meaning of Palm Sunday and Jesus Christ’s victorious entry into Jerusalem.