Pakistan’s sham list of terrorists

In words and in deeds, in pretence and in reality, in conviction and in belief, in diplomacy and in international relations, Pakistan probably is the only country with contradictions, misrepresentations and misleading others. This behaviour is so deeply entrenched in the Governmental and Administrative Wings ever since its birth seven decades ago that it is now impossible for them to change. In fact, their entire edifice stands on such a type of absolute chicanery. The latest such counterfeiting by that country is in respect of ‘manufacturing’ a list of terrorists which operated and still operate from its soil but not the ones who were actually involved in 26/11 Mumbai attacks killing 166 innocents and injuring many others plus causing destruction of property worth Rupees hundreds of crores. India, as victim of Pakistani terrorism and aggression, as such, has rejected and refused to lend any credibility to the latest list issued by Pakistan of its terrorists on the ground that it “glaringly omitted” the mastermind and key conspirators of the heinous 26/11 terror strike. Terming such tactics as ‘obfuscation and dilatory’, Ministry of External Affairs has, in a strongly worded reaction, called on Pakistan to give up such stances and policies.
Pakistan was under an international obligation in conducting a serious, time bound and fast tracking trial of the ones who planned and masterminded the attack. Since that country is constantly under the watch of FATF, it, therefore wants to mislead the international watchdog by putting forth a sham list of its terrorists which were in fact not those who were at the top of planning and conducting such ghastly attacks. While the dispensation was thus openly protecting these top terrorists , on the other hand it was just hoodwinking the international community including the FATF. Giving a reference of the media reports in Pakistan about Pakistan’s Federal Investigative Agency (FIA) releasing an updated book on most wanted and high profile terrorists listing several Pakistani nationals involved in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, the spokesperson of the MEA rejected the list in totality.
Can there be any doubt that Pakistan possesses and has full knowledge about all the evidence, conspiracies and allied issues in respect of Mumbai terror attack, the facilitators and sponsors of which are based in Pakistan? In fact, the attack was launched from Pakistan ‘s territory. It started from Pakistan’s Karachi port , the crew and the boats used were all Pakistanis but Pakistan cunningly and deliberately does not include them in the list. How can a list of 19 terrorists not prominently show those involved in the 26/11 attack by Pakistan even now, say after 12 years? The simple resolution of the issue lies in Pakistan expeditiously, even though belatedly, bringing the perpetrators of the dastardly but laced with cowardice and deceit terror attacks, to justice.
India has been, on umpteen times, sharing all the valuable and most relevant and reliable information with Pakistan about the said terror attack but it has yet to show any sincerity or honest response in delivering justice to 166 innocent souls that fell to the bullets of its terrorists , their families and the countries they belonged to including mainly India. The families of the killed innocents were eagerly but desperately awaiting justice which Pakistan cannot ignore or keep pending for long. A country, where even children are given armed training in executing terror attacks and where the budding students are taught that they should hate India and Indian communities and where unashamedly it feigns victimhood at the hands of India, no perceptible change in that country’s attitude, policies and commitments towards the international community could be expected.